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Events & News May 9

CSGA Events

CSGA Business Meeting

Thursday, May 9, 7 PM

Annapolis Friends Meeting House






Carbon Pricing

CSGA Discussion

Thursday, May 16, 7 PM

Annapolis Friends Meeting House

Events of Interest to CSGA

Finding Justice: Baltimore Lead Crisis / Baltimore Peoples Climate Movement

May 10, 6:30 PM - 1808 Pennsylvania Ave, Baltimore

May 11, 8 AM - University of Maryland

Annapolis Chapter Meeting / Citizens Climate Lobby

May 11, 12:15 PM - Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis

Road to a Green New Deal / Sunrise Movement

May 13, 7 PM - Howard University, Washington

Climate Tea and Talk / Elders Climate Action

May 14, 6 PM - Conference Call

Special Session / Annapolis Environmental Commission

May 14, 7 PM - Pip Moyer Recreation Center, Annapolis

Baltimore Green New Deal Town Hall / Baltimore Sunrise Movement

May 14, 7 PM - War Memorial, Baltimore

Meeting / Baltimore Commission on Sustainability

May 15, 4 PM - Baltimore Planning Office, Baltimore

Anne Arundel County Transit Open House / Maryland Department of Transportation

May 16, 5 PM - Glen Burnie Library, Glen Burnie

News, Information, and Opinion of Interest to CSGA

American oil and gas pipelines continue to expand while the agency that’s supposed to oversee them sits idly by.

The Jokowi administration aims to form a center of government similar to Washington, DC, in a new city, while leaving Jakarta as a business, trade and financial center similar to New York in the United States.

The District wants to "make the city's immune system stronger" so it can be ready for the impact of climate change.

Switching from coal and fossil fuels to clean energy sources can be a hard task. But in recent years, Maryland, D.C. and Virginia have passed legislation to make it easier for residents to make the leap.

Indiana utility regulators have rejected Vectren's proposal to replace its coal-burning A.B. Brown power plant with one fueled by natural gas.

Britain's opposition Labour Party on Wednesday called for "real action" after parliament became the first in the world to vote to declare a climate emergency. "Thanks to pressure from the Labour Party, the UK just became the first country to declare an environment and #climateemergency

Insulation manufacturer Rockwool is suing the Jefferson County School Board after the Board moves to take property by eminent domain.

The Green New Deal's goals also keep being misrepresented.

The Securities & Exchange Commission has more Trump appointees now, and energy and utility companies see an ally as they argue shareholder resolutions ‘micromanage’.

As the U.S. House of Representatives debated its first climate change legislation in a decade, the typical face-off between Democrats and Republicans wasn't as striking as the strains within each party.

A diminished future for the Marcus Hook refinery at the start of the decade has turned around to a booming place by decade’s end.

The administration objected to language that, while nonbinding, could be read as a collective commitment to address the effects of climate change in the Arctic, diplomats said.

The United States has refused to sign an agreement on challenges in the Arctic due to discrepancies over climate change wording, diplomats said on Tuesday, jeopardising cooperation in the polar region at the sharp edge of global warming.

Here's how we got to this point.

Governor signs state spending plan despite “disappointing” provisions, promises to act next year.

It is a radically good bill, and scientists say we need radical steps to solve global warming.

Satellite data plus artificial intelligence equals no place to hide.

The Community Ecology Institute hopes to turn Shaw Farm — "one of those little gems" — into a living classroom and preserve the land for future generations in Howard County.

Hundreds of thousands of people were left homeless after a cyclone packing winds of about 200 km per hour slammed into eastern India, ripping out tin roofs and destroying power and telecom lines, officials said on Sunday.

Three years ago, the aquarium decided it would find a sanctuary in the wild for its prized pod of dolphins. But then climate change complicated the plan entirely.

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